The Story Of Love

Wedding Info

Quisque nec facilisis sem. In at commodo velit. Aliquam tempor volutpat laoreet. Quisque non tellus eleifend arcu gravida aliquam. Vivamus quis consequat nisl.

The Ceremony

April 20, 2024

5:30 PM

The Mayflower Hotel,
1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington

Check out the map

The Reception

April 20, 2024

5:30 PM

The Mayflower Hotel,
1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington

Check out the map

The Party Time

April 20, 2024

5:30 PM

The Mayflower Hotel,
1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington

Check out the map

Our Gallery

Quisque nec facilisis sem. In at commodo velit. Aliquam tempor volutpat laoreet. Quisque non tellus eleifend arcu gravida aliquam. Vivamus quis consequat nisl.

  • 24 May
    How We Met

    Rrow itself, let it be sorrow; let him love it; let him pursue it, ishing for its acquisitiendum. Because he will ab hold, uniess but through concer, and also of those who resist.

  • 28 May
    Love Proposal

    The decade that brought us Star Trek and Doctor Who also resurrected Cicero—or at least what used to be Cicero—in an attempt to make the days before computerized design a little less painstaking.

  • 24 May
    Our First Date

    Among design professionals, there's a bit of controversy surrounding the filler text. Controversy, as in Death to Lorem Ipsum.

  • 28 May
    We Got Engaged

    The French lettering company Letraset manufactured a set of dry-transfer sheets which included the lorem ipsum filler text in a variety of fonts, sizes, and layouts.

Will You Attend?

Registry Gifts

Quisque nec facilisis sem. In at commodo velit. Aliquam tempor volutpat laoreet. Quisque non tellus eleifend arcu gravida aliquam. Vivamus quis consequat nisl.

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